Crane FAQs and Facts


Who are these birds and where do they come from?

Cranes are the oldest living species of bird with Miocene fossil evidence dating back 10 million years. Greater Sandhill Cranes are one of 15 species of cranes throughout the world. The cranes that visit and breed in the Yampa Valley are part of the Rocky Mountain Population (RMP) of Greater Sandhill Cranes. Cranes found on the front range of Colorado and in California and Nebraska belong to the sub-species known as lesser Sandhill Cranes. The RMP of Greater Sandhill Cranes spend the winter in New Mexico and Arizona and breed in northern Colorado and as far north as Canada.


When do cranes usually arrive in the Yampa Valley?

The early birds usually arrive in mid to late March.  They will leave the area in mid to late September.


How big are they?

Greater Sandhill Cranes: Approximately 4.5-5 ft. tall; Wingspan 6 ft.; Weight 10-14 lbs. Lesser Sandhill Cranes:  Approximately 3-3.5 ft. tall; Wingspan 5 ft.; Weight 6-7 lbs.


What color are they?

Adult cranes have grey feathers. They paint them with iron-laden mud to turn them rust-color for camouflage during breeding season. They have a bright red skin patch on their forehead. Crane chicks are born cinnamon brown and turn grey as they mature.


What do Sandhills eat?

They are omnivorous and eat tubers, seeds, grains, worms, insects, snails, mice, small rodents, snakes, frogs, lizards, eggs, and crawfish.


How long do Sandhills live?

In captivity cranes can live up to 30 years.  In the wild, many Sandhills die within the first two years; if they survive this period, they can live 15-20 years.


Why do cranes dance?

Dancing contributes to pair bonding and allows rivals to assess one another prior to courtship. Parents teach young chicks, also known as colts, to dance. Juvenile cranes practice dancing for years before they select a mate. Cranes also dance when they are excited, frustrated, or just need to release pent-up energy. Cranes are considered the most accomplished dancers in the animal kingdom (other than people).


Do Sandhills mate for life?

Yes, they mate for life. A pair will return to the same nesting area each spring. When they arrive, the young from the previous year who have migrated north with their parents are driven off while the pair begins a new family.

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How old are cranes when they mate?

In the wild, cranes usually do not mate before they reach the age of 4 or 5.  Prior to that time, juvenile cranes form “bachelor flocks” which travel and feed together until they are ready to breed and set up a territory.


Where do cranes nest and what do their nests look like?

Nests are simple, mound-like platforms made of marsh plants, grasses and weeds piled on the ground in marshes or wet tundra.  They may be 4 to 5 feet in diameter.


How many eggs do they lay and who does the incubation?

Cranes usually lay two eggs in late April or early May.  Incubation takes 28-30 days, with both sexes incubating 50% of the time. During nesting season cranes are shy, secretive, and easily disturbed. Usually only one chick survives to migrate with the flock in the fall.


How quickly do baby cranes develop?

1st month – chicks sleep under their mother’s wings for 3-4 weeks. During the day they run, flap their wings and eat food presented by their parents.

2nd month – chicks become colts, learn to dance and begin pre-flight training.

3rd month – colts learn to forage on their own, dance, practice take-off and landing skills  and fly with their parents.

At summer’s end, the colts are ready to migrate south with their parents.


Why are Sandhill Cranes so noisy?

Cranes have a highly developed communication system: to keep the family together, to signal danger and to reinforce the pair-bond. The unison call is a duet done by a breeding pair in which the male has a one-note call, and the female a two-note call.  It is done in synchrony and can be heard up to a mile away.  The guard call is usually one loud sharp note, and is given to alert other Sandhills that an intruder is near. The cry of the Sandhill  Crane is among the most distinctive sounds in the animal kingdom.


How far and high can Sandhills Fly?

They can fly up to 400-500 miles in one day, usually at an altitude of around 5,000 feet.  During fall migration, most cranes will fly slower than in the spring in order to accommodate their young who cannot fly as fast.


Information compiled by Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition. For more information or to become a member, please email us at